Friday, July 27, 2012

Any Port in a Storm #2

Today I get my second mediport implanted.  Last time I kept my port afterwards.  If I keep this one, too, I can make a pair of titanium earrings!  I always thought that I'd put gemstones in the little indentations with a larger stone in the center.

Connie will drive me to Portland and back today since they have to put me out for the procedure and no body trusts that I'll be able to drive after anesthesia.  The whole process takes about three hours--the first hour is pre-op prep and getting the IV inserted, the second hour is the actual surgery, and the third hour is recovery room time.  I've asked to not have the "happy juice" prior to the anesthesia since I don't seem to come out of that stuff well.

Having the mediport will actually be terrific--my medical team will be able to draw blood easily (I'm a really hard stick) and all of my chemo drugs will be administered through it.  This will be so much better than trying to find a vein in my arm or in my hand each week.

I'm hoping tomorrow to go to the Quilt Show at the Augusta Civic Center and then to the play at Heartwood Theatre in Damariscotta, though I may wait to see that at the matinee on Sunday.  I helped with the props for that show (The House of Bernarda Alba) so I'm excited to see it.

I have to get some laundry done soon, but the weather isn't cooperating for drying outdoors.  Will probably do drop-off service at my favorite laundromat with Kitty on Monday.

Went to the Lymphedema Center yesterday for my intake assessment and will be going there three times a week for the next three weeks to start--lots of work needs to be done to get my lymphatic system working well and to improve my range of motion in my right arm.  I have a bunch of exercises to do at home in addition to the physical therapy I will get there.

That's it for today!  My new normal is quite the challenge!

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